Make retirement planning part of your everyday life now – whether you are 21 or 65. It is never early or too late to develop a good strategic plan.
Here is something you probably have not considered – make tax planning part of your year and learn to save on taxes and put back for retirement. You will be surprised at the results.
Don’t make one of the 5 biggest retirement mistakes:
- Living too large
- Disregarding higher health care costs
- No long-term care plan
- Not saving enough then and now
- Not updating your retirement plan
Few Americans are saving enough for retirement, suggesting many workers may face a retirement with a lower standard of living. Since social security cannot fully replace income in retirement, other savings is needed, and that usually comes in the form of funds accumulated in employer-sponsored retirement plans such as 401(k)s. However, employer-sponsored plans are becoming fewer and farther between with each passing year.
Markets rise and fall, as do levels of income and expenses, so it is important that your retirement plan be revisited often and it is important you put that retirement plan into place as soon as possible.
Visit us soon and take advantage of a FREE hour session discussing where you are and where you need to be and how to get there.